特定非営利活動法人 海外医療機器技術協力会
Non-Profit Organization Overseas Medical Equipment Technical Assistants
Jul.1993 | Ometa established. |
Oct.1995 | Conducted training of medical device engineers employed by Cairo Pediatric Hospital, Egypt. |
Oct.1995 | Dispatched a survey mission to Vietnam for hospital survey. |
Jan.1996 | Participated in a Japanese Medical Device Exhibition sponsored by the Burmese Ministry of Health and conducted an on-site survey of medical facilities. |
Jan.1997 | Dispatched a mission to Nepal for hospital survey. |
Feb.1998 | Trained medical device engineers of The Bach Mai Hospital,Vietnam. |
Jul.1998 | Conducted again the training of the medical device engineers of Cairo Pediatric Hospital, Egypt |
Jul.1998 | Dispatched a mission to the Philippines for hospital survey. |
Jan.1996 | Participated in a Japanese Medical Device Exhibition sponsored by the Burmese Ministry of Health and conducted an on-site survey of medical facilities. |
Jan.1997 | Dispatched a mission to Nepal for hospital survey. |
Feb.1998 | Trained medical device engineers of The Bach Mai Hospital,Vietnam. |
Jul.1998 | Conducted again the training of the medical device engineers of Cairo Pediatric Hospital, Egypt |
Jul.1998 | Dispatched a mission to the Philippines for hospital survey. |
Feb.1999 | Started to cooperate with Japan International Cooperation System's project "Maintenance and Information Center for Donated Medical Devices and Products.” |
Jan.2000 | Trained medical device engineers of Senegal. |
Jan.2000 | Dispatched registered engineers to Nepal to train local engineers in the maintenance of medical devices. |
Apr.2000 | Published the Japan Medical Instrument Catalog, 10th Edition (JMC 10th Ed.) |
Apr.2000 | Aquired the approval of a specific Non-profit Organization corporate by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government |
Jun.2000 | Dispatched a mission to Indonesia for hospital survey. |
Oct.2000 | Published ”Report of On-Site Survey for Modernization of Emergency Care Unit of Dr. Soetomo Hospital, Indonesia.” |
Apr.2001 | Made an on-site survey of hospitals in Indonesia in response to Japan International Cooperation Agency’s request (Delegation of Senior Volunteers for International Activities) |
Jul.2001 | Ometa Website established. |
Sep.2001 | Dispatched a mission to Beijing, China (Manufacturers Section) - China Hospeq 2001 Int’l Exhibition, visited National Hospitals, Ministry of Helth, State Drug Administration |
Oct.2001 | Held a Seminar [JICA Senior Volunteer Program] |
Nov.2001 | Dispatched a mission to Shenzeng, China (Manufacturers Section) - 2001 China National Medical Exhibition |
Feb.2002 | Held a Seminar with JEITA [Certificate for Medical Device issued by Ministry of Helth, Labour and Welfare] |
Mar.2002 | Held a Meeting with JICA (Manufacturers Section) |
Mar.2002 | Held a Seminar [Guidance of Certificate for Medical Device] |
Apr.2002 | Made an on-site survey of hospitals in Panama in response to JICA request, Senior Volunteer Program |
Apr.2002 | Dispatched Ometa registered engineers to Dr. Soetomo General Hospital, Indonesia |
Jun.2002 | Trained medical device engineer, Bangladesh, by Ometa members |
Jul.2002 | Coordinated [Afghan Children People Support] by Bunkyo ward office |
Jul. 2002 | Donated the Medical Equipment to Ministry of Health, Uzbekistan |
Aug.2002 | Held OMETA Seminar in Mongolia [Mongol Medical Seminar] joined 8 manufacturers of OMETA member |
Aug.2002 | Dispatched medical equipment OMETA Tent to Kabul Medical Center of NGO JIFF in Afghanistan |
Oct.2002 | Held OMETA Seminar [Report on Afghanistan Support] NGO JIFF, Dr. Yamada |
Nov.2002 | Made an on-site survey of hospital, Angkor Hospital for Children, Siem Reap, Cambodia, in response to Tokyo Minato Rotary Club |
Dec.2002 | Held OMETA Seminar [Certificate of Medical Device] |
Jan.2003 | Be accepted OMETA registered engineers to JICA Senior Volunteer program, Maintenance management of medical equipment |
Feb.2003 | Made an on-site survey of hospitals in Bosnia Herzegovina and Macedonia, in response to JICA, 3 OMETA registered engineers |
Feb.2003 | Held OMETA Seminar [JICA 2003] |
Mar.2003 | Visited to Korean Food and Drug Administration (KFDA), registration of Medical Device in Korea |
Mar.2003 | Held OMETA Seminar [Certificate of Medical Device] |
Apr.2003 | Dispatched Ometa registered engineers to Ministry of Health, Panama as JICA Senior Volunteer Program [Group dispatch] |
May2003 | Held 2003 OMETA Ordinary General Meeting The Board of Directors |
Jun.2003 | Visited to Ministry of Health, Panama, and JICA Panama office |
Jul.2003 | Held OMETA Seminar [Certificate of Medical Device] in Osaka |
Aug.2003 | Held OMETA Seminar [Medical Field in Central Asia] with the cooperation from Uzbekistan Embassy in Japan |
Aug.2003 | Participated in the trade seminar in Busan, Korea, in response to Korea Int’l Trade Association, Busan Branch |
Sep.2003 | Participated in the international medical exhibition [China-Hospeq 2003] in Beijing, China |
Oct.2003 | Dispatched a mission to Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan, made an on-site survey of hospital, in response to Ministry of Health, Uzbekistan |
Jan.2004 | Held OMETA Seminar on [Survey Report on Hospitals in Uzbekistan/Kazakhstan] |
Feb.2004 | Dispatched OMETA registered engineers to Uzbekistan/Kazakhstan, made an on-site survey of hospital, on JICA program. |
Mar.2004 | Accepted technical trainee from Myanmar on JICA program, at the Josai Hospital in Ibaragi. |
Oct.2004 | Held OMETA Seminar in China, effected a meeting with SFDA, hospital survey, company profile presentation. |
Nov.2004 | Held OMETA Seminar on [ Current Medical Situation in China] by Dept. of Conventions and Exhibitions Int’l Health Exchange Center, Ministry of Health, China, and SFDA. |
Nov.2004 | Dispatched OMETA members to 2004 Int’l Medical Device Technologies Conference and Exhibition in Taipei, made a company profile presentation. |
Nov.2004 | Dispatched OMETA registered engineers to Macedonia, made an on-site survey of hospital, on JICA program. |
Fev.2005 | Accepted technical trainee from Angola on JICA program, [Hospital Josina Machel] |
Mar.2005 | Held OMETA Seminar on [JICA Disaster Relief Team on Indian Ocean Tsunami] and [Global Standard of Medical Devices] |
Apr.2005 | Dispatched OMETA registered engineer to Ministry of Health, Ghana, under the JICA Senior Volunteer program |
Sep.2005 | Accepted technical trainee from India on JICA program, [National Institute of Cholera and Enteric Diseases] |
Sep.2005 | Dispatched a mission of The Japan Federation of Medical Devices Associations(JFMDA) to Beijing, visited Ministry of Health and Governmental hospital. |
Nov.2005 | Held OMETA Seminar in Moscow, effected a meeting with medical association, hospital survey, company profile presentation. |
Feb.2006 | Brought in trainee from Nepal, Kathmandu Ob/Gy Hospital (Ultrasound unit). |
Mar.2006 | Held OMETA Seminar on [Current Business Trade Regulations] |
Apr.2006 | Visited to Dept. of Health, Taiwan, regarding OMETA certificate |
May2006 | Held OMETA Ordinary General Meeting Board of Directors |
Jun.2006 | Dispatched OMETA engineers to Thailand, GMS Medical Training Center, installation of medical and laboratory devices |
Jun.2006 | Made a on-site survey of hospital in Philippines, Cotabato Medical Center regarding the maintenance of medical devices |
Aug.2006 | Participated in The 2nd Joint Seminar of Taiwan Japan, Taipei |
Sep.2006 | Held OMETA Seminar in China, Beijing and Shanghai |
Jan.2007 | Held OMETA Seminar in Dubai, Arab Health 2007 |
Feb.2007 | Held OMETA Seminar on [Regulation and Registration of Medical Devices in China] |
Feb.2007 | Brought in trainee from JICA, Technical officer of ORCC, India |
Mar.2007 | Supported JEITA Seminar on [Application for the certificate of Medical Devices] |
Apr.2007 | Participated in International Medical Exhibition [CMEF 2007 Dalian] in China |
Jun.2007 | Held OMETA Seminar on [Japan ODA Project] with a cooperation of Int’l Development Journal |
Sep.2007 | Held OMETA Seminar in Beijing, China Hospeq 2007 SFDA Import Registration |
Sep.2007 | Held OMETA Seminar on [Update information about medical situation in Russia] |
Oct.2007 | Participated in International Medical Exhibition [CMEF 2007] in Chengdu |
Jan.2008 | Participated in International Medical Exhibition [Arab Health 2008] in Dubai |
Mar.2008 | Held OMETA Seminar in Seoul, KFDA Import Registration on Medical Devices |
Apr.2008 | Co-Held [International Medical Devices Seminar] with JFMDA |
Jun.2008 | Held OMETA Seminar on [Economic Conditions in Far East Russia] |
Jul. 2008 | Held OMETA Seminar on [Update information about medical situations in Russia and Mongolia] |
Sep.2008 | Despatched OMETA members to Khabarovsk, participated in medical congress |
Oct.2008 | Held OMETA Seminar in Beijing, China Hospeq 2008 SFDA Import Registration |
Oct.2008 | Held OMETA Seminar in Taipei, visited to DOH, Bureau of Parmaceutical Affairs |
Oct.2008 | Dec. 2008 Participated in International Medical Exhibition [Zdravookhraneniye 2008] in Moscow |
Feb.2009 | Accepted medical trainee from Russia, MOFA OJT training program |
Mar.2009 | Held OMETA Seminar in Seoul, KFDA Import Registration on Medical Devices |
Jun.2009 | Exchange of opinions with consul general to Niigata of Russian Federation, economic and medical situations in Far East Russia |
Jun.2009 | Participated in International Conference [BioEco 2009] in China |
Jul. 2009 | Accepted medical trainee from Russia, MOFA OJT training program |
Jul. 2009 | Exchange of opinions with counselor to Japan of Rep. of China |
Sep.2009 | Held OMETA Seminar on Export business, safety regulation |
Sep.2009 | Held OMETA Seminar in Beijing, SFDA registration |
Oct.2009 | Held OMETA Seminar in Khabarovsk, company presentations |
Oct.2009 | Accepted medical trainee from Russia, MOFA OJT training program |
Dec.2009 | Visited to Ministry of Health in Indonesia, medical device regulation |
Mar.2010 | Held OMETA Seminar on [Current Medical Market in Russia] and [Import Registration Procedure] |
Apr. 2010 | Held an exchange of opinions with Director of Medical Devices Production and Distribution Development of Ministry of Health of Indonesia |
Apr.2010 | Participated International Conference of Uzbekistan |
Jun.2010 | Made an on-site survey of China Medical Center in Taizhou, China |
Jul.2010 | Dispatched a mission to Uzbekistan, visited to Vice Prime Minster, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Health |
Sep.2010 | Accepted speaking engagements of JETRO Seminar, Overseas Marketing and Regulatory on Medical Devices |
Sep.2010 | Participated in AHWP Meeting in Taipei |
Sep.2010 | Hold JETRO mission to Singapore at Medical Fair Asia |
Nov.2010 | Accepted speaking engagements of Tokyo Medical Industry Seminar, Export Business of Medical Devices |
Nov.2010 | Accepted medical trainees from Russia, MOFA OJT-training program |
Mar.2011 | Held OMETA Seminar in Seoul, Import registration of KFDA |
Apr.2011 | Visited to headquarter of Forum of Culture of Arts in Uzbekistan |
Jun.2011 | Accepted speaking engagements of JFMDA/JETRO Seminar, Outline of regulatory of medical devices in Asian countries |
Jul.2011 | Visited to Mahidol University and Ministry of Industry in Thailand |
Sep.2011 | Held OMETA Seminar in Bangkok, visited to Thai FDA, Ministry of Industry, hospitals |
Oct.2011 | Participated in International Conference in Taipei, 2011 APEC Good Review Practice Workshop on Medical Products |
Nov.2011 | Held OMETA Seminar, Debriefing Session of OMETA Bangkok seminar in Sep. |
Nov.2011 | Accepted speaking engagements of JEITA Seminar, Certificate of medical devices issued by MHLW |
Feb.2012 | Held OMETA/JACRI Seminar, Healthcare market in China |
Feb.2012 | Held OMETA Seoul Seminar in Seoul, Import Registration of KFDA |